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Your responses: How to improve my relationship with my body

In my previous post I asked you all to tell me what helps you have a more positive relationship with your body. Here is a compilation of all the lovely answers I received.

1. Find clothes that make you feel confident.

Things that fit well for starters. Dress sexy and to feel good for yourself, not to fit in or please anyone else is gloriously empowering. Remember clothes are meant to fit us, we are not meant to fit clothes.

2. Do the exercise that you want to do. However much or little that is for you.

It might feel grueling at times but the endorphins it produces are proven to reduce stress and anxiety and generally make you feel great. It’s important to listen to your body and do what feels good for you, and don’t forget there is such a range of exercise opportunities out there! We have a mini trampoline and a skipping rope at home!

3. Appreciate your body for what it does for you.

Our bodies are amazing. Without getting into the scientific technicalities, just the fact that our organs, our bones, our cells all work together to keep us alive is a marvel. If you can hold onto that, it suddenly becomes irrational to dislike things such as cellulite, stretch marks or tummy roles.

4. Talk to yourself as if speaking to someone you love.

We would never talk to our loved ones in the way we often speak to ourselves. Your body needs to be your friend, because it’s not going anywhere. It is a constant in your life and the energy taken up with disliking it is not worth it.

5. Surround yourself with television and social media content which doesn’t just feature the ‘ideal’ body.

This isn’t always so easy when a lot of media content promotes diet culture and presents photoshopped, ‘perfect’ people as a form of advertising. But more and more so, there are positive, empowering individuals to follow on social media. I am going to post some of my favourite accounts as suggestions in a couple of days and please feel free to share if there are any great accounts you feel people should know about.

6. Repeat positive affirmations and make a conscious effort to appreciate yourself.

I have a picture on my wall which says, I am happy, I am beautiful, I am healthy, I am strong, I love my body… and it goes on. Although I don’t repeat it like a mantra every time I wake up, just glancing at it in my bedroom gives me a sense of positive reassurance that helps reinforce my feelings of self-worth that little bit more. If you find that outfit that fits just right, then tell yourself you look fantastic. Those good moments need to be emphasised and appreciated and if you say it enough, it will help you believe it.

7. I am so much more than my body.

There is more to life than physical appearance. We are defined by so many things, our minds, our actions, our choices, our beliefs, style, hobbies, passions, relationships, we could go on. We are more than just a body.


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